the Municipality
Dista circa 50 km da Pavia

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The History
Breme is a small medieval town of roughly 900 inhabitants with a rich history, situated amidst the green “lungs” of the Lomellina, in the province of Pavia, where the river Sesia flows into the Po. It is an important tourist destination, with its historic monuments quaintly set in the old town. The town itself boasts a rich, millenary history which began in 906, when the Marquis Adalberto of Ivrea presented the Benedictine monks of Novalesa (in the province of Torino), evicted during the Saracen raids, with “the courts” of Breme and Pollicino. They built the Abazia di San Pietro in Breme, which became one of the most important abbeys in Italy and Europe in the 10th and 11th century. In 1306, Breme was besieged and conquered by Galeazzo Visconti’s troops and the abbey was turned into a military facility. In 1542, the monks of Novalesa were replaced by the monks from Monte Oliveto (in the province of Siena). The former abbey currently houses the Town Hall. Places of interest: • Crypt dating from the 10th century • Abbey of San Pietro, 10th – 11th century • The Friars’ Kitchen, 16th century • Refectory and Ice-House, 16th century • Church of Santa Maria Assunta, 9th – 15th century • Baptistery, 8th – 10th century • Obelisc of San Carlo Borromeo, 17th century • Church of San Sebastiano, 17th century • Church of Santa Maria of Pollicino, 10th century.
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Luoghi da Visitare
  • • Cripta sec. X,
  • • Abazia S. Pietro secc. X-XV,
  • • Cucina dei Frati sec. XVI,
  • • Refettorio e Ghiacciaia secc. XVI,
  • • Chiesa s. Maria Assunta secc. IX – XV,
  • • Battistero sec. VIII-X,
  • • Obelisco S. Carlo Borromeo sec. XVII,
  • • Chiesa di S. Sebastiano sec. XVII,
  • • Chiesa di S. Maria di Pollicino sec. X.
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The History
Breme is a small medieval town of roughly 900 inhabitants with a rich history, situated amidst the green “lungs” of the Lomellina, in the province of Pavia, where the river Sesia flows into the Po. It is an important tourist destination, with its historic monuments quaintly set in the old town. The town itself boasts a rich, millenary history which began in 906, when the Marquis Adalberto of Ivrea presented the Benedictine monks of Novalesa (in the province of Torino), evicted during the Saracen raids, with “the courts” of Breme and Pollicino. They built the Abazia di San Pietro in Breme, which became one of the most important abbeys in Italy and Europe in the 10th and 11th century. In 1306, Breme was besieged and conquered by Galeazzo Visconti’s troops and the abbey was turned into a military facility. In 1542, the monks of Novalesa were replaced by the monks from Monte Oliveto (in the province of Siena). The former abbey currently houses the Town Hall. Places of interest: • Crypt dating from the 10th century • Abbey of San Pietro, 10th – 11th century • The Friars’ Kitchen, 16th century • Refectory and Ice-House, 16th century • Church of Santa Maria Assunta, 9th – 15th century • Baptistery, 8th – 10th century • Obelisc of San Carlo Borromeo, 17th century • Church of San Sebastiano, 17th century • Church of Santa Maria of Pollicino, 10th century.
Mostra Artigianato, Commercio e Agricoltura
Numerosissimi Artigiani, Hobbisti, Commercianti, Pittori, Scultori, ecc. provenienti da tutto il nord d’ Italia e non solo, espongono i loro manufatti oltre ad eseguire in loco alcune opere che vengono poi vendute ai numerosi visitatori, è solito infatti assistere alla lavorazione di maestri vetrai, lavorazioni in cotto, bigiotteria, lavorazione del legno, ferro, rame, mosaici ecc
Info: +39 328 7816360

A: Breme
Dal 08/03/2020 09:45 Al 08/03/2020 18:00
Sagra della Cipolla Rossa di Breme 2019
37a edizione della Sagra della Cipolla Rossa di Breme che celebra ancora una volta la "Dolcissima" bremese a marchio De.C.O. In programma, come ogni anno, mercatini gastronomici e dell'artigianato, menù ad hoc e piatti della cucina tradizionale bremese, dall'antipasto fino al dessert. L’edizione 2019 della Sagra della Cipolla Rossa di Breme si svolgerà dal 7 al 16 Giugno 2019 Domenica 9 e 16 Giugno il ristorante sarà aperto anche a mezzogiorno dalle ore 12.30 alle 15.30 RISTOSAGRA: tutti i giorni compreso sabato e domenica apertura dalle 19,30 alle 22,30. Solo alla domenica aperto anche per pranzo dalle 12,30 alle 15,00
A: Breme
Dal 07/06/2019 08:00 Al 17/06/2019 22:00
Sagra della cipolla Bianca
Menù a base della Favolosa "Cipolla Bionda" di Breme. Pennette arrabbiata e pomodoro Frittate, Insalate di cipolla Merluzzo fritto Merluzzo in umido con polenta Anguilla in umido e con polenta Fegato alla veneta Grigliata, Patatine Dolce VENERDì e SABATO dalle ore 19,30 DOMENICA 28 CUCINA APERTA SOLO dalle 12,00

Info 3334853030

A: Breme
Dal 25/08/2018 18:00 Al 27/08/2018 23:59
34^ Sagra della Cipolla Rossa
la “dolcissima” come viene battezzata dagli affezionati avventori
A: Breme
Dal 10/06/2016 00:00 Al 19/06/2016 00:00
Sagra della Lomellina
Dal 3 al 5 giugno 2016, nel suggestivo scenario del chiostro cinquecentesco dell’abazia di Breme e nella Piazza della Fiera, si terrà una folta serie di eventi patrocinati dall’Ecomuseo del Paesaggio Lomellino, in collaborazione con la Polisportiva bremese
A: Breme - Chiostro dell'Abbazia
Dal 03/06/2016 00:00 Al 05/06/2016 00:00
Sagra della Cipolla Bionda
Ristosagra e Musica per tutti
A: Breme - Piazza della Fiera
Dal 28/08/2015 01:00 Al 30/08/2015 01:00
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