the Municipality
is about 50 km from Pavia

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The History
Frascarolo belonged to the Country (Contado) of Lomello in medieval times, until it came under the rule of Pavia, as certified by Frederick I in 1164. It appeared in 1250 under the name of Frascarolum on the list of lands under the dominion of Pavia. In 1441, Antonio Birago of Milan became the ruler of Frascarolo, including the nearby Torre Beretti. The estate was sold in the late 14th century to the Varesini family and later on to the Bellisomi of Pavia who were invested with the title of Marquises of Frascarolo by the King of Spain, Philippe IV, in 1623. The Bellisomi kept the property until 1797, when feudalism was abolished.

Luoghi da Visitare
  • • Castello Visconteo
  • • Chiesa di S. Maria Maggiore “Castri Veteris”
  • • Parrocchiale della Beata Vergine Assunta e San Vitale Martire
  • • Santuario della Beata Vergine del Romito
  • • Museo del Contadino
  • • Parco fluviale del Po tratto vercellese/alessandrino - Centro visita
  • • Garzaia dell’Abbazia Acqualunga
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The History
Frascarolo belonged to the Country (Contado) of Lomello in medieval times, until it came under the rule of Pavia, as certified by Frederick I in 1164. It appeared in 1250 under the name of Frascarolum on the list of lands under the dominion of Pavia. In 1441, Antonio Birago of Milan became the ruler of Frascarolo, including the nearby Torre Beretti. The estate was sold in the late 14th century to the Varesini family and later on to the Bellisomi of Pavia who were invested with the title of Marquises of Frascarolo by the King of Spain, Philippe IV, in 1623. The Bellisomi kept the property until 1797, when feudalism was abolished.