the Municipality
Dista circa 45 Km da Pavia

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The History
Parona – a small town in the province of Pavia immersed in the green Lomellina countryside – used to be a predominantly agricultural village, but its economic development has changed its landscape. Although it is an important industrial centre with the largest malls in the area, including a multiscreen cinema, Parona remains a “human scale” little town surrounded by charming, ever-changing landscapes, whose people’s innate connection with the land and the environment remains alive. …our history… Our history goes way back. The Roman farmers were the first to inhabit the area of Parona in the 1st century A.D.. However, some archaeological finds provide evidence of the presence of Neanderthals. Parona was given its name in 13th century. It was the estate of the Tornielli family in 16th and 17th century, during which time it reached its climax that firmly established its agricultural economy. …the love for our land… The Acqualunga Park of Supra-municipal interest is surely an interesting natural and environmental phenomenon. Its 180,000 square meters, mostly covered with autochthonous vegetation that includes a variety of forest trees, shrubs and a thick underwood, provide the habitat to numerous animal species. Its amazing colours that mutate with the changing of the seasons, its waters and its flora and fauna make the fascinating, wild world of the Acqualunga Forest well worth discovering. …a distinguished child of this land… Parona is the birthplace of Lorenzo Toma (1798-1867), the highly renowned deaf-mute painter. …our local specialty, the Offella di Parona… Once upon a time there were two sisters, Pasqualina and Elena Colli… The legendary birth of the Offella biscuit is linked to the true story of the two sisters from Parona who created this specialty in the late 19th century, without ever revealing the recipe. Initially, the Offella biscuit was considered very precious and its production was limited. The biscuits were sold by the piece, not by the weight. They were present on the dining tables of Parona on the day of the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, the patron saint of Parona. Offelle di Parona were first launched on the market in 1969, on the occasion of the first Offella Festival. Since then, our local association, the Pro-Loco, has been in charge of organizing it, making sure that it remains the most important village festival. It is generally called the Offella Festival (la Sagra dell’Offella), but locals call it in their native dialect “a lè al dì dla festa” (“the day of the festival”). … not to be missed … • Parona tèra böna (first Sunday after Easter) •A Village for Play (2 June) • The Offella Festival (first Sunday in October) • The Majestic Christmas Tree (8th December – 6th January)
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The History
Parona – a small town in the province of Pavia immersed in the green Lomellina countryside – used to be a predominantly agricultural village, but its economic development has changed its landscape. Although it is an important industrial centre with the largest malls in the area, including a multiscreen cinema, Parona remains a “human scale” little town surrounded by charming, ever-changing landscapes, whose people’s innate connection with the land and the environment remains alive. …our history… Our history goes way back. The Roman farmers were the first to inhabit the area of Parona in the 1st century A.D.. However, some archaeological finds provide evidence of the presence of Neanderthals. Parona was given its name in 13th century. It was the estate of the Tornielli family in 16th and 17th century, during which time it reached its climax that firmly established its agricultural economy. …the love for our land… The Acqualunga Park of Supra-municipal interest is surely an interesting natural and environmental phenomenon. Its 180,000 square meters, mostly covered with autochthonous vegetation that includes a variety of forest trees, shrubs and a thick underwood, provide the habitat to numerous animal species. Its amazing colours that mutate with the changing of the seasons, its waters and its flora and fauna make the fascinating, wild world of the Acqualunga Forest well worth discovering. …a distinguished child of this land… Parona is the birthplace of Lorenzo Toma (1798-1867), the highly renowned deaf-mute painter. …our local specialty, the Offella di Parona… Once upon a time there were two sisters, Pasqualina and Elena Colli… The legendary birth of the Offella biscuit is linked to the true story of the two sisters from Parona who created this specialty in the late 19th century, without ever revealing the recipe. Initially, the Offella biscuit was considered very precious and its production was limited. The biscuits were sold by the piece, not by the weight. They were present on the dining tables of Parona on the day of the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, the patron saint of Parona. Offelle di Parona were first launched on the market in 1969, on the occasion of the first Offella Festival. Since then, our local association, the Pro-Loco, has been in charge of organizing it, making sure that it remains the most important village festival. It is generally called the Offella Festival (la Sagra dell’Offella), but locals call it in their native dialect “a lè al dì dla festa” (“the day of the festival”). … not to be missed … • Parona tèra böna (first Sunday after Easter) •A Village for Play (2 June) • The Offella Festival (first Sunday in October) • The Majestic Christmas Tree (8th December – 6th January)
48° Sagra dell'Offella
Parona in festa per il suo biscotto tipico, serata danzante e grande sfilata di carri allegorici ed esibizioni di gruppi folk durante tutto il pomeriggio della domenica. Per info 0384 253636 proloco@parona-lomellina
A: Parona
Dal 01/10/2016 00:00 Al 02/10/2016 00:00
Insieme sulla pista ciclabile
Alla scoperta del territorio rurale di Parona con merenda sul percorso della ciclabile Tommaso
A: Parona
Dal 17/04/2016 00:00 Al 17/04/2016 00:00
Sagra dell'Offella
C’erano una volta Pasqualina ed Elena Colli… La nascita dell’Offella assomiglia un po’ ad una favola, che narra la storia vera delle due sorelle paronesi che sul finire del 1800 crearono questa specialità senza mai rivelarne la ricetta. La presenza delle Offelle sulle tavole paronesi fu subito legata alla ricorrenza della Madonna del Rosario, quando venivano offerte a parenti ed amici che dai paesi vicini arrivavano a Parona per gustarne l’inconfondibile sapore.
A: Parona
Dal 02/10/2015 10:00 Al 06/10/2015 00:00
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