the Municipality
Sant' Alessio con Vialone
is about 16 Km from Pavia

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The History
The location was first mentioned as Sancto Alexj in the 12th century. It was overtaken from the Canepanova by the Beccaria family in the 14th centur and acquired the current name in 1841, when it was united with the community of Vialone. Abolished in 1929 and annexed to Lardirago, it nevertheless regained its autonomy in 1947. Places of interest: • Castle • Oasis of Sant’ALESSIO • Garzaia di Porta Chiossa (“garzaia” - herons nesting site)

Luoghi da Visitare
  • • Castello
  • • Oasi DI S. ALESSIO
  • • Garzaia di Porta Chiossa
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The History
The location was first mentioned as Sancto Alexj in the 12th century. It was overtaken from the Canepanova by the Beccaria family in the 14th centur and acquired the current name in 1841, when it was united with the community of Vialone. Abolished in 1929 and annexed to Lardirago, it nevertheless regained its autonomy in 1947. Places of interest: • Castle • Oasis of Sant’ALESSIO • Garzaia di Porta Chiossa (“garzaia” - herons nesting site)