Archeological Museum of Casteggio
Who We Are
Archeological Museum of Casteggio
The town council and a group of passionate gave birth, in 1974, to the Municipal Archeological Museum of Casteggio and Oltrepo’ Pavese after the discovery of two Roman tombs in Torino street. Thanks to the acquisition of new findings, derived from private donations and from the excavations of the superintendency of archeological heritage, in 1988 the Museum faced the first enlargement of the exhibits rooms. The Museum as it is now is the result of another enlargement made after the restoration of the Certosa Palace in 1999. Thanks to a new convention stipulated between Casteggio municipality and the superintendency of archeological heritage in Lombardy, the Museum could acquire findings from recent exavations made in Oltrepo’ Pavese.
  • Via Circonvallazione Cantù 62, Casteggio
  • (+39)0383 83941
  • (+39)0383 890441
  • Monday, 08.30 / 12.30 14.30 / 17:30 Tuesday, 30.08 / 12.30 Wednesday, 08.30 / 12.30 14.30 / 17:30 Thursday, 30.08 / 12.30 14.30 / 17:30 Friday, 30.08 / 12.30 14.30 / 17:30 14:30 Sunday / Monday 17:30 08:00 / 14:00 Tuesday 08.00 / 14.00 15.00 / 18.00 Wednesday 08:00 / 14:00 Thursday 08.00 / 14.00 15.00 / 18.00 Friday 08.00 / 14:00 Sunday opening on request
  • Website
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Who We Are
Archeological Museum of Casteggio
The town council and a group of passionate gave birth, in 1974, to the Municipal Archeological Museum of Casteggio and Oltrepo’ Pavese after the discovery of two Roman tombs in Torino street. Thanks to the acquisition of new findings, derived from private donations and from the excavations of the superintendency of archeological heritage, in 1988 the Museum faced the first enlargement of the exhibits rooms. The Museum as it is now is the result of another enlargement made after the restoration of the Certosa Palace in 1999. Thanks to a new convention stipulated between Casteggio municipality and the superintendency of archeological heritage in Lombardy, the Museum could acquire findings from recent exavations made in Oltrepo’ Pavese.
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Letio Magistralis
A partire dalle 20,30
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